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Microeconomics Review Sheet

- Normative Statements

- Economics


- Scarcity

- Opportunity Cost

- Utility

- Good

- Resource

- Labor


- Economic System

- Socialism

- Economic Plan

- Economic Trilogy

- Economic Equity

- Economic Growth

- Economic Stability

- Tragedy of the Commons

- Provide Legal System

- Provide Public Goods


- Redistribute Income

- Demand

- Quantity Demanded

- Demand Schedule

- Inferior Good

- Substitute Good

- Elastic Demand

- Unit-Elastic Demand

- Rightward Shift

- Change in Consumer Income

- Change in Price of Substitute

- Change in Consumer Price Expectations

- Supply

- Quantity Supplied

- Supply Curve

- Advancement in Technology

- Quota

- Elastic Supply

- Unit-Elastic Supply

- Leftward Shift

- Taxes/Subsidies

- Price of other Goods

- Number of Sellers

- Production Possibilities Frontier

- Natural Resources

- Property Rights Structure 

- Positive Statements

- Microeconomics

- Global Economy

- Choice

- Wants

- Diminishing Marginal Utility

- Service

- Land

- Capital

- Four Factors of Production

- Free Enterprise

- Mixed Economy

- Income Distribution

- Economic Efficiency

- Economic Freedom

- Economic Security

- Property Rights

- Factors of Production

- Correct Market Failures

- Maintain Competition

- Law of Demand

- Neutral Good

- Normal Good

- Elasticity of Demand

- Leftward Shift

- Change in Consumer Taste

- Change in Price of Complimentary

- Law of Supply

- Supply Schedule

- Technology

- Per Unit Cost

- Elasticity of Supply

- Inelastic Supply

- Rightward Shift

- Resource Prices

- Quota

- Price Expectations

- Production Possibilities Table

- Capital Formation


Economic Mysteries: Why Don't Students Study Hard in School? PowerPoint:

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